A blog about VFX, scripting, van renovation, and some other gubbins.


Preparing to Escape

Published 6th September 2018 by Henry

I’m currently sat on a little sofa next to Laurel, in our van, which is parked on the island of Mosterøy, Norway. We are sheltering from torrential rain which hit us early this morning following a week of blue skies. The beautiful view over the North Sea is obscured by mist. Rain drums on the roof. The solar panel is giving almost nothing and the battery, our only source of electricity, is nearly dead. Time to update the blog then…

2018 has been a mega year so far. We moved out of our little rented wood cabin on the farm in Somerset, and into the van I have been knocking together for over the Winter. Since then we have been moving around a lot, visiting friends in and around Bristol, family and other friends near Ross on Wye, and travelling around Europe. So many memories!

But it’s now September, and while our travels are nearly over, more adventures are around the corner. We will soon drive to Kristiansand, jump on a ferry and drive back to the UK where we will soon be moving into a flat in London. I still can’t quite believe I am going to be living in London; I don’t even like London, supposedly.

On 1st October I start an MA in Game Art at Escape Studios, Holborn. I’m excited and anxious about it in equal measure; excited for obvious reasons, anxious because I’m 35 years old and heading back into full-time education. From what I’ve read, it’s an intensive course and I’ll be working very hard indeed if I’m to swim rather than sink. But less of the catastrophising, it’s going to be great!



Andrew Weatherall


Concept and Initial Design

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