A blog about VFX, scripting, van renovation, and some other gubbins.


Andrew Weatherall

I didn't think this day would come so soon, and I still can't believe it's real.

Published 17th February 2020 by Henry

The world has lost a great, and I feel deeply saddened to know that he is no longer here in our world.

My first encounter with Weatherall was on 2nd February 2012 when I saw him play alongside Sean Johnston in Bristol for an incredible 6-hour deep dive into a new (to me) world of music they called ‘A Love From Outer Space’. It was a life-changing event, and I’ve tried to see him play live whenever I’ve had the opportunity. I had the extreme pleasure to see him play at a number of different events at some unique places including The Golden Lion in Todmorden, Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall, and Convenanza Festival in Carcassonne.

Greg Wilson has written a lovely piece about him here: https://blog.gregwilson.co.uk/2020/02/andrew-weatherall/

In memory of him, I post here the (nearly) full set from 2012 that changed everything for me forever.

Goodbye Mr. Weatherall, you are deeply missed.




Animating materials from blueprints without using timelines


Advanced Triplanar Material

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